Saturday Shenanigans

Saturday we went to our friend’s Paula and Don’s for a cookout, fun, and of course wine!  We had lots of good food!  I even tried something new!!  It was quinoa and it wasn’t bad.  I kinda thought it looked like fish eggs though.   Haha.  The weather was beautiful and we were able to play outside for a while.  We played cornhole and I flew my drone.

Don and Paula had so many options when it came to playing.  We shot some hoops, played ping pong, foosball, and Don introduced us to Oculus Rift.  There were lots of laughs between us all.

I guess Scott had had enough wine for a bit and needed a quick cat nap.  This is where we found him

Paula and I tried this interesting wine she found in a store.  It was aged in Tequila barrels and it was 16.5% abv!!  We didn’t really like it.  Lol

As always, we had so much fun with our friends here in Seaside!!



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