The city of Leavenworth goes all out with Christmas lights for the season. It’s a little east of us and we have to go up and over a mountain pass to get to it. The ski slopes at the top of the mountain have only been open for about a week and there were lots of people skiing. When we got to Leavenworth, it was very busy (we knew it would be). We were able to find a parking spot that gave us quite the walk to town.

We were both very hungry so we made our way to a pub to get lunch/dinner. There was a line (probably one everywhere) and they said there was standing room only and if a table or seat at the bar came open, it would be up to us to grab it. I was able to get one seat at the bar and eventually got a second one.

By the time we got out of the pub, there were so many people outside that we had a hard time getting out of the pub. We knew there would be a lot of people, but had no idea there would be sooooo many. It was so crowded we didn’t really get to appreciate the lights or the town.

On our way home it started snowing pretty heavily at the top of the mountain. The traffic slowed a bit, but because there was lots of it leaving Leavenworth the roads didn’t get too bad.
I would like to think that we would be able to go back when it was less busy but I don’t think we will make it before our time is up in Washington unless our friends from Seaside decide to go, then of course we will go again. Lol