A Maine Adventure

Last night we went to an outdoor ice skating rink for an event for some local business sponsors (the hospital is a sponsor and employees +1 get in for free). There was going to be live music and free food. When we arrived, there were not very many people and we didn’t see live music or free food but I showed my hospital badge and they said we only had to pay for one skate rental (no biggie). It was sooo cold and so very windy. We had a hard time lacing our skates because of the wind and cold. While we were getting our skates on, I pulled up the flier for the event and realized it was Thursday night not Friday. Ooops. Anyways, we skated around a couple of times and called it quits because we needed food since we had planned on eating at the event.

We tried a Maine brewery for dinner and drinks. I love the dog on their logo with the lobster in his mouth! The food was really good, we both found a beer of theirs that we liked, and they had live music.

Today we took off North on US 1 to check out a few coastal towns. Don’t let the almost cloudless sky and bright sun fool you. It was a cool 26 degrees with lots and lots of wind!

Our first stop was a town called Bath. It is the home of Bath Iron Works. They build ships. Currently they are fitting out the third and final Zumwalt destroyer, and building a new Arleigh Burke destroyer.

In the photo above, you can see the last of the Zumwalt class destroyers being fitted. That is 7 billion dollars sitting there in the water, ha ha.

Our next stop was Owl’s Head Light State Park. We parked the car and started the walk up to the lighthouse. We first went down an icy path only to find out it only leads to a picnic spot with a view. Scott had spikes on his shoes so he went to the edge to get a picture. We eventually made it to the lighthouse. It was very cute with some beautiful views!

On the way back from the lighthouse, we made a quick stop for a picture of a little harbor with lots of boats. It’s kind of what I had pictured in head when I thought of Maine.

Next stop was Rockland. We stopped at a little park that had a community ice rink, a view of the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse, and a Christmas tree made of lobster traps.

We grabbed some lunch and continued north to Megunticook Falls. It wasn’t the most amazing falls but we did get to drive through the cute town of Camden to get to it.

While at the falls, I saw a structure up on a mountain. We looked into what it was and decided to go check it out. It was the Mt. Battie Tower in Camden Hills State Park. The views at the top were breathtaking, and so was the wind. It was neat to be able to look down on the town that we had just left.

After our visit up the mountain, we decided to head back home. On the way, we saw a sign for the Breakwater lighthouse and took a short detour to check it out. You can walk all the way out to the lighthouse on the breakwater. However, it is 7/8 mile long and with how cold and windy it was, we did not think it would be an enjoyable almost 2 mile walk so we didn’t walk out there.

After this, since there wasn’t much daylight left, we headed home. A fun day!

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