Birthday Fiesta for My Brother
This weekend, my parents and my brother and his family came down to visit to celebrate my brother’s birthday. Friday evening we had a fiesta with tacos, nachos, fajitas, and all the fixin’s. After dinner we all hung out in the driveway, listening to music, drinking, laughing, playing games, riding the scooter, and just chatting. It was a very enjoyable evening with family.

Saturday, we got up early, had some breakfast and headed out to some yard sales. I think everyone got something so that is a successful yard sale outing. After lunch most of us packed up and headed to the beach for a few hours. Dinner that night was take out from Pelican Seafood. Mikey, Danielle, Scott, and I headed to American Fish and the Mullet for a few post dinner drinks. We ended the evening hanging out by the fire pit with some drinks, popcorn, pizza delivery, and music.

Sunday morning after breakfast and a brief golf cart ride around town, everyone packed up and headed back home. Another fun family weekend in the books! Next family adventure is in a couple of weeks when we go to Arkansas. Stay tuned for that post!